Behold Belonged Belongs Beseech Bow Bowed Favor Favour Grace Honour Humbly Mephibosheth Mephib'osheth Mephibosheth's Myself O Obeisance Pertained Pertaineth Pertains Prostrate Sight Truly Yours Ziba

16:4 Behold - A rash sentence, and unrighteous to condemn a man unheard, upon the single testimony of his accuser, and servant. Find grace - Thy favour is more to me, than this gift; which, as a token of thy favour, I accept with all thankfulness.

16:1-4 Ziba belied Mephibosheth. Great men ought always to be jealous of flatterers, and to be careful that they hear both sides.

Belonged Belongs Beseech Bow Bowed Favor Favour Find Grace Honour Humbly Mephibosheth Mephib'osheth Obeisance Pertained Pertaineth Pertains Prostrate Sight Ziba

Belonged Belongs Beseech Bow Bowed Favor Favour Find Grace Honour Humbly Mephibosheth Mephib'osheth Obeisance Pertained Pertaineth Pertains Prostrate Sight Ziba