Face Falleth Falling Fell Ground Herself Honor Honour O Obeisance Pay Prostrated Save Spake Speaketh Spoke Tekoa Teko'a Tekoah

14:1-20 We may notice here, how this widow pleads God's mercy, and his clemency toward poor guilty sinners. The state of sinners is a state of banishment from God. God pardons none to the dishonour of his law and justice, nor any who are impenitent; nor to the encouragement of crimes, or the hurt of others.

Earth Face Falleth Falling Fell Ground Help Herself Honor Honour Obeisance Pay Prostrated Save Speaketh Tekoa Teko'a Tekoah

Earth Face Falleth Falling Fell Ground Help Herself Honor Honour Obeisance Pay Prostrated Save Speaketh Tekoa Teko'a Tekoah