Absalom Ab'salom Absalom's Amnon Beast Commanded Fled Flee Flight Gat Got King's Mounted Mule Mules Ordered Orders Ride Rise Rode Servants Sons

13:29 Commanded - Now the threatened sword is drawn in David's house, which will not depart from it. His eldest son falls by it, thro' his own wickedness, and his father by his connivance is accessory to it.

13:21-29 Observe the aggravations of Absalom's sin: he would have Ammon slain, when least fit to go out of the world. He engaged his servants in the guilt. Those servants are ill-taught who obey wicked masters, against God's commands. Indulged children always prove crosses to godly parents, whose foolish love leads them to neglect their duty to God.

Absalom Ab'salom Absalom's Amnon Beast Commanded Fled Flee Flight Gat King's Mounted Mule Ordered Ride Rise Rode Servants Young

Absalom Ab'salom Absalom's Amnon Beast Commanded Fled Flee Flight Gat King's Mounted Mule Ordered Ride Rise Rode Servants Young