Already Attention Brother Cause Circumstances Evil Forth Greater Hast Hearken Listen Putting Refused Sending Willing Worse Wrong Yet

13:16 No cause - For me to go. Greater thou the other - This she might truly say, because though the other was in itself a greater sin, yet this was an act of greater cruelty, and a greater calamity to her because it exposed her to publick infamy and contempt, and besides, it turned a private offence into a publick scandal, to the great dishonour of God and of his people, and especially of all the royal family.

13:1-20 From henceforward David was followed with one trouble after another. Adultery and murder were David's sins, the like sins among his children were the beginnings of his punishment: he was too indulgent to his children. Thus David might trace the sins of his children to his own misconduct, which must have made the anguish of the chastisement worse. Let no one ever expect good treatment from those who are capable of attempting their seduction; but it is better to suffer the greatest wrong than to commit the least sin.

Already Cause Circumstances Evil Forth Great Greater Hearken Putting Refused Sending Willing Worse Wrong

Already Cause Circumstances Evil Forth Great Greater Hearken Putting Refused Sending Willing Worse Wrong