Besiege Camp Capture Collect Encamp Gather Lest Myself Named Otherwise Position Rest Town Troops

12:28 Take it - For having taken one part of the city, he concluded the remaining part of it could not long stand out. Lest - Lest I have the honour of taking it.

12:26-31 To be thus severe in putting the children of Ammon to slavery was a sign that David's heart was not yet made soft by repentance, at the time when this took place. We shall be most compassionate, kind, and forgiving to others, when we most feel our need of the Lord's forgiving love, and taste the sweetness of it in our own souls.

Besiege Camp Capture City Collect Encamp Gather Muster Otherwise Position Rest Together Troops

Besiege Camp Capture City Collect Encamp Gather Muster Otherwise Position Rest Together Troops