TRUE Aroused Attempting Awake Beloved Dear Epistle Friends Honest Letter Letters Loved Memory Mind Minds Ones Pure Putting Remembrance Reminder Reminders Reminding Revive Seek Sincere Stimulate Stir Stirring Thinking Wholesome Writing Written

3:1 This {1} second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in [both] which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:

(1) The remedy against those wicked enemies, both of true doctrine and holiness, is to be sought for by the continual meditation of the writings of the prophets and apostles.

3:1 The End of All Things


The Purpose of the Second Epistle. The Sayings of Scoffers. God's Apparent Delay to Give Opportunity for Repentance. The Day of the Lord. The New Heavens and New Earth. The Blameless Lives We Ought to Live. Paul's Writings. Final Admonitions.

This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you. This language implies a former letter written to the same persons to whom this is addressed.

I stir up your pure minds. In both letters his object was mainly to exhort them to holy lives.

By way of remembrance. By reminding you of the claims of Christ as shown by prophets and apostles.

3:1-4 The purified minds of Christians are to be stirred up, that they may be active and lively in the work of holiness. There will be scoffers in the last days, under the gospel, men who make light of sin, and mock at salvation by Jesus Christ. One very principal article of our faith refers to what only has a promise to rest upon, and scoffers will attack it till our Lord is come. They will not believe that he will come. Because they see no changes, therefore they fear not God, Ps 55:19. What he never has done, they fancy he never can do, or never will do.

Already Aroused Attempting Awake Beloved Dear Epistle First Friends Honest Letter Memory Mind Minds Ones Pure Putting Remembrance Reminders Reminding Revive Second Seek Sincere Stimulate Stir Stirring Thinking True. Way Wholesome Write Writing Written

Already Aroused Attempting Awake Beloved Dear Epistle First Friends Honest Letter Memory Mind Minds Ones Pure Putting Remembrance Reminders Reminding Revive Second Seek Sincere Stimulate Stir Stirring Thinking True. Way Wholesome Write Writing Written