Ate Camp Carried Clothes Clothing Drank Drink Eat Edge Entered Extremity Garments Gold Goods Hid Hide Lepers Lift Line Outer Outermost Outskirts Raiment Reached Returned Secret Silver Tent Tents Thence Turn Uttermost

7:3-11 God can, when he pleases, make the stoutest heart to tremble; and as for those who will not fear God, he can make them fear at the shaking of a leaf. Providence ordered it, that the lepers came as soon as the Syrians were fled. Their consciences told them that mischief would befall them, if they took care of themselves only. Natural humanity, and fear of punishment, are powerful checks on the selfishness of the ungodly. These feelings tend to preserve order and kindness in the world; but they who have found the unsearchable riches of Christ, will not long delay to report the good tidings to others. From love to him, not from selfish feelings, they will gladly share their earthly good things with their brethren.

Ate Camp Carried Clothes Clothing Drink Eat Edge Entered Gold Hid Lepers Outermost Part Raiment Silver Tent Thence Uttermost

Ate Camp Carried Clothes Clothing Drink Eat Edge Entered Gold Hid Lepers Outermost Part Raiment Silver Tent Thence Uttermost