Ass Ass's Behold Besieged Cab Donkey's Doves Dove's Dovesdung Droppings Dung Eighty Famine Forth Fourscore Fourth Kab Kept Lasted Laying Measure Pieces Pods Price Quarter Samaria Sama'ria Seed Shekels Short Shut Siege Silver Silverlings Silver-pieces Sold Till Worth

6:25 And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was [sold] for fourscore [pieces] of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's {n} dung for five [pieces] of silver.

(n) The Hebrews write, that they burned it in the seige for lack of wood.

6:25 Famine in Samaria - Probably the siege was so sudden, that they had no time to lay in provisions. Pieces - Supposed to be shekels; and the common shekel being valued at fifteen pence of English money, this amounts to five pounds. A vast price, especially for that which had on it so little meat, and that unwholesome and unclean. A kab - A measure containing twenty - four eggs. Dung - This Hebrew word is of a doubtful signification, and no where else used, probably it means a sort of pease, which in the Arabick language (near a - kin to the Hebrew) is called doves dung: for this was a food much in use amongst the poorer Israelites, and was a very coarse food, and therefore fit to be joined with the asses head: and a kab was the usual measure of all sorts of grains and fruits of that sort.

6:24-33 Learn to value plenty, and to be thankful for it; see how contemptible money is, when in time of famine it is so freely parted with for any thing that is eatable! The language of Jehoram to the woman may be the language of despair. See the word of God fulfilled; among the threatenings of God's judgments upon Israel for their sins, this was one, that they should eat the flesh of their own children, De 28:53-57. The truth and the awful justice of God were displayed in this horrible transaction. Alas! what miseries sin has brought upon the world! But the foolishness of man perverts his way, and then his heart frets against the Lord. The king swears the death of Elisha. Wicked men will blame any one as the cause of their troubles, rather than themselves, and will not leave their sins. If rending the clothes, without a broken and contrite heart, would avail, if wearing sackcloth, without being renewed in the spirit of their mind, would serve, they would not stand out against the Lord. May the whole word of God increase in us reverent fear and holy hope, that we may be stedfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Ass's Besieged City Donkey's Dung Eighty Famine Five Fourscore Fourth Great Head Lasted Part Pieces Samaria Sama'ria Shekels Siege Silver Sold

Ass's Besieged City Donkey's Dung Eighty Famine Five Fourscore Fourth Great Head Lasted Part Pieces Samaria Sama'ria Shekels Siege Silver Sold