100000 Breeder Deliver Hundred Lambs Mesha Moab Pay Raised Rams Regularly Rendered Sheep Sheep-farmer Sheepmaster Sheep-master Supply Thousand Wool

3:4 And {c} Mesha king of Moab was a sheepmaster, and rendered unto the king of Israel an hundred thousand lambs, and an hundred thousand rams, with the wool.

(c) This was done after David had made the Moabites tributaries to his successors.

3:4 A sheep - master - A man of great wealth (which in those times and places consisted much in cattle) which enabled and emboldened him to rebel against his sovereign.

3:1-5 Jehoram took warning by God's judgment, and put away the image of Baal, yet he maintained the worship of the calves. Those do not truly repent or reform, who only part with the sins they lose by, but continue to love the sins that they think to gain by.

Annually Deliver Hundred Israel Lambs Mesha Moab Pay Raised Rams Regularly Rendered Sheep Supply Thousand Used Wool

Annually Deliver Hundred Israel Lambs Mesha Moab Pay Raised Rams Regularly Rendered Sheep Supply Thousand Used Wool