Ahab Eighteenth Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Judah Reign Reigned Reigneth Rule Samaria Sama'ria Twelve

3:1 Now Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria the {a} eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned twelve years.

(a) Read the annotation in 2Ki 1:17.

3:1-5 Jehoram took warning by God's judgment, and put away the image of Baal, yet he maintained the worship of the calves. Those do not truly repent or reform, who only part with the sins they lose by, but continue to love the sins that they think to gain by.

Ahab Eighteenth Israel Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Joram Judah Reign Reigned Reigneth Rule Samaria Sama'ria Twelve

Ahab Eighteenth Israel Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Joram Judah Reign Reigned Reigneth Rule Samaria Sama'ria Twelve