Afraid Armies Army Babylonians Captains Chaldaeans Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Egypt Fear Fled Forces Got Greatest Heads Officers Presence Rise

25:26 And all the people, both small and great, and the captains of the armies, arose, and came to {m} Egypt: for they were afraid of the Chaldees.

(m) Contrary to Jeremiah's counsel in Jeremiah 40-42.

25:26 Egypt - And here they probably mixt with the Egyptians by degrees, and were heard of no more as Israelites.

25:22-30 The king of Babylon appointed Gedaliah to be the governor and protector of the Jews left their land. But the things of their peace were so hidden from their eyes, that they knew not when they were well off. Ishmael basely slew him and all his friends, and, against the counsel of Jeremiah, the rest went to Egypt. Thus was a full end made of them by their own folly and disobedience; see Jeremiah chap. 40 to 45. Jehoiachin was released out of prison, where he had been kept 37 years. Let none say that they shall never see good again, because they have long seen little but evil: the most miserable know not what turn Providence may yet give to their affairs, nor what comforts they are reserved for, according to the days wherein they have been afflicted. Even in this world the Saviour brings a release from bondage to the distressed sinner who seeks him, bestowing foretastes of the pleasures which are at his right hand for evermore. Sin alone can hurt us; Jesus alone can do good to sinners.

Afraid Armies Army Babylonians Captains Chaldaeans Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Egypt Fear Fled Forces Great Greatest Heads Least Officers Presence Rise Small Together

Afraid Armies Army Babylonians Captains Chaldaeans Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Egypt Fear Fled Forces Great Greatest Heads Least Officers Presence Rise Small Together