Army Body-guard Brake Broke Broken Captain Chaldaean Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Chief Commander Executioners Forces Guard Imperial Jerusalem Round Sides Walls

25:8-21 The city and temple were burnt, and, it is probable, the ark in it. By this, God showed how little he cares for the outward pomp of his worship, when the life and power of religion are neglected. The walls of Jerusalem were thrown down, and the people carried captive to Babylon. The vessels of the temple were carried away. When the things signified were sinned away, what should the signs stand there for? It was righteous with God to deprive those of the benefit of his worship, who had preferred false worships before it; those that would have many altars, now shall have none. As the Lord spared not the angels that sinned, as he doomed the whole race of fallen men to the grave, and all unbelievers to hell, and as he spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, we need not wonder at any miseries he may bring upon guilty nations, churches, or persons.

Army Babylonian Brake Broke Broken Captain Chaldaean Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Chief Commander Executioners Forces Guard Imperial Jerusalem Round Sides Walls Whole

Army Babylonian Brake Broke Broken Captain Chaldaean Chaldeans Chalde'ans Chaldees Chief Commander Executioners Forces Guard Imperial Jerusalem Round Sides Walls Whole