Altar Ate Bread Brethren Brothers Didn't Eat Eaten Fellow However Jerusalem Midst Nevertheless Places Priests Serve Unleavened

23:9 Nevertheless the priests of the high places {i} came not up to the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

(i) Because they who had forsaken the Lord to serve idols, were not fit to minister in the service of the Lord for the instruction of others.

23:9 The priest - Who worshipped the true God there. In Jerusalem - Were not suffered to come thither to the exercise of their priestly function; as a just punishment for the corruption of God's worship, and the transgression of so plain and positive a law of God, Deut 12:11, which was much worse in them who had more knowledge to discern the will of God, and more obligations to observe it. Did eat - Of the meal - offerings, allotted to the priests, wherein there was to be no leaven, Lev 2:4,5,10,11, and consequently of other provisions belonging to the priests, which are contained under this one kind. Thus their spiritual blemish puts them into the very same state which corporal blemishes brought them, Lev 21:17, and c. And thus he mitigates their punishment: he shuts them out from spiritual services, but allows them necessary provisions.

23:4-14 What abundance of wickedness in Judah and Jerusalem! One would not have believed it possible, that in Judah, where God was known, in Israel, where his name was great, in Salem, in Zion, where his dwelling-place was, such abominations should be found. Josiah had reigned eighteen years, and had himself set the people a good example, and kept up religion according to the Divine law; yet, when he came to search for idolatry, the depth and extent were very great. Both common history, and the records of God's word, teach, that all the real godliness or goodness ever found on earth, is derived from the new-creating Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Altar Although Ate Bread Eat Eaten High However Jerusalem Midst Nevertheless Places Priests Serve Unleavened

Altar Although Ate Bread Eat Eaten High However Jerusalem Midst Nevertheless Places Priests Serve Unleavened