Anger Burned Didn't Fierce Fierceness Heat However Judah Kindled Lord's Manasseh Manas'seh Moving Notwithstanding Provocation Provocations Provoke Provoked Turn Wherewith Withal Wrath

23:26 Notwithstanding the LORD turned not from the {r} fierceness of his great wrath, wherewith his anger was kindled against Judah, because of all the provocations that Manasseh had provoked him withal.

(r) Because of the wicked heart of the people, who would not turn to him by repentance.

23:26 Notwithstanding - Because though the king was most hearty in his repentance and acceptable to God, and therefore the judgment was delayed for his time; yet the people were in general corrupt, and secretly averse from Josiah's pious reformation, as appears from the complaints of the prophets, especially Jeremiah and Zephaniah, against them: and by the following history, wherein we see, that as soon as ever Josiah was gone, his children, and the princes, and the people, suddenly and greedily returned to their former abominations. Because - The sins of Manasseh, and for the men of his generation; who concurred with him in his idolatrous and cruel practices, are justly punished in this generation: because of God's sovereign right of punishing sinners when he sees fit: because of that publick declaration of God, that he would visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children: and principally, because these men had never sincerely repented of their own, nor of their fathers sins.

23:25-30 Upon reading these verses, we must say, Lord, though thy righteousness be as the great mountains, evident, plainly to be seen, and past dispute; yet thy judgments are a great deep, unfathomable, and past finding out. The reforming king is cut off in the midst of his usefulness, in mercy to him, that he might not see the evil coming upon his kingdom: but in wrath to his people, for his death was an inlet to their desolations.

Anger Burned Fierce Fierceness Great Heat However Judah Kindled Manasseh Manas'seh Moving Nevertheless Notwithstanding Provocation Provocations Provoked Turn Turned Wherewith Withal Wrath

Anger Burned Fierce Fierceness Great Heat However Judah Kindled Manasseh Manas'seh Moving Nevertheless Notwithstanding Provocation Provocations Provoked Turn Turned Wherewith Withal Wrath