Astray Causeth Destroyed Destruction Didn't Ear Err Evil Hearken Hearkened Israelites Led Listen Manasseh Manas'seh Nations Presence Seduced Sons

21:9 More evil - Partly, because they were not contented with those idols which the Canaanites worshipped, but either invented, or borrowed from other nations many new idols, and partly, because as their light was far more clear, their obligations to God infinitely higher, and their helps against idolatry much stronger than the Canaanites had; so their sins, though the same in kind, were unspeakably worse in respect of these dreadful aggravations.

21:1-9 Young persons generally desire to become their own masters, and to have early possession of riches and power. But this, for the most part, ruins their future comfort, and causes mischief to others. It is much happier when young persons are sheltered under the care of parents or guardians, till age gives experience and discretion. Though such young persons are less indulged, they will afterwards be thankful. Manasseh wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord, as if on purpose to provoke him to anger; he did more evil than the nations whom the Lord destroyed. Manasseh went on from bad to worse, till carried captive to Babylon. The people were ready to comply with his wishes, to obtain his favour and because it suited their depraved inclinations. In the reformation of large bodies, numbers are mere time-servers, and in temptation fall away.

Astray Causeth Children Destroyed Destruction Ear Err Evil Hearken Hearkened Israel Israelites Led Manasseh Manas'seh Nations Presence Seduced

Astray Causeth Children Destroyed Destruction Ear Err Evil Hearken Hearkened Israel Israelites Led Manasseh Manas'seh Nations Presence Seduced