Angel Assyrian Assyrians Behold Bodies Camp Dead Death Early Eighty-five Got Hundred Morning Pass Struck Thousand

19:35 Angel - Such an angel as destroyed the first - born of Egypt. Arose - The few that were left alive: all their companions were dead.

19:35-37 That night which followed the sending of this message to Hezekiah, the main body of their army was slain. See how weak the mightiest men are before Almighty God. Who ever hardened himself against Him and prospered? The king of Assyria's own sons became his murderers. Those whose children are undutiful, ought to consider whether they have not been so to their Father in heaven? This history exhibits a strong proof of the good of firm trust and confidence in God. He will afflict, but not forsake his people. It is well when our troubles drive us to our knees. But does it not reprove our unbelief? How unwilling are we to rest on the declaration of Jehovah! How desirous to know in what way he will save us! How impatient when relief is delayed! But we must wait for the fulfilling of his word. Lord, help our unbelief.

Angel Assyrians Bodies Camp Corpses Dead Early Eighty-Five Five Forth Fourscore Hundred Morning Night Smote Struck Thousand

Angel Assyrians Bodies Camp Corpses Dead Early Eighty-Five Five Forth Fourscore Hundred Morning Night Smote Struck Thousand