Bitter Blasphemed Defied Evil Exalted Hast Haughtily Holy Lift Lifted Loud Mocked Pride Raised Reproached Reviled Taunted Voice Yea

19:22 Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed? and against whom hast thou exalted [thy] voice, and lifted up thine eyes on high? [even] {o} against the Holy [One] of Israel.

(o) God counts that as an injury done to him, and will avenge what is done to any of his saints.

19:20-34 All Sennacherib's motions were under the Divine cognizance. God himself undertakes to defend the city; and that person, that place, cannot but be safe, which he undertakes to protect. The invasion of the Assyrians probably had prevented the land from being sown that year. The next is supposed to have been the sabbatical year, but the Lord engaged that the produce of the land should be sufficient for their support during those two years. As the performance of this promise was to be after the destruction of Sennacherib's army, it was a sign to Hezekiah's faith, assuring him of that present deliverance, as an earnest of the Lord's future care of the kingdom of Judah. This the Lord would perform, not for their righteousness, but his own glory. May our hearts be as good ground, that his word may strike root therein, and bring forth fruit in our lives.

Bitter Blasphemed Defied Evil Exalted Eyes Haughtily High Holy Insulted Israel Lifted Mocked Pride Raised Reproached Reviled Taunted Voice

Bitter Blasphemed Defied Evil Exalted Eyes Haughtily High Holy Insulted Israel Lifted Mocked Pride Raised Reproached Reviled Taunted Voice