Armies Asshur Assyria Besieged Elah Fourth Hezekiah Hezeki'ah Hoshea Hoshe'a Laid Layeth Marched Pass Samaria Sama'ria Seventh Shalmaneser Shalmane'ser Shutting Siege

18:9-16 The descent Sennacherib made upon Judah, was a great calamity to that kingdom, by which God would try the faith of Hezekiah, and chastise the people. The secret dislike, the hypocrisy, and lukewarmness of numbers, require correction; such trials purify the faith and hope of the upright, and bring them to simple dependence on God.

Assyria Besieged Elah Fourth Hezekiah Hezeki'ah Hoshea Hoshe'a Israel It Laid Marched Samaria Sama'ria Seventh Shalmaneser Shalmane'ser Siege

Assyria Besieged Elah Fourth Hezekiah Hezeki'ah Hoshea Hoshe'a Israel It Laid Marched Samaria Sama'ria Seventh Shalmaneser Shalmane'ser Siege