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17:16 And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, [even] two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the {g} host of heaven, and served Baal.

(g) That is, the sun, moon and stars, De 4:19.

17:16 Left all - They grew worse and worse; from a partial disobedience to some of God's laws, they fell by degrees to a total apostacy from all. The host - The stars, as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus.

17:7-23 Though the destruction of the kingdom of the ten tribes was but briefly related, it is in these verses largely commented upon, and the reasons of it given. It was destruction from the Almighty: the Assyrian was but the rod of his anger, Isa 10:5. Those that bring sin into a country or family, bring a plague into it, and will have to answer for all the mischief that follows. And vast as the outward wickedness of the world is, the secret sins, evil thoughts, desires, and purposes of mankind are much greater. There are outward sins which are marked by infamy; but ingratitude, neglect, and enmity to God, and the idolatry and impiety which proceed therefrom, are far more malignant. Without turning from every evil way, and keeping God's statutes, there can be no true godliness; but this must spring from belief of his testimony, as to wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness, and his mercy in Christ Jesus.

Army Asherah Ashe'rah Baal Ba'al Bowed Calves Cast Commandments Commands Forsook Grove Heaven Host Hosts Idols Images Molten Pole Served Shape Sky Starry Themselves Worshiped Worshipped

Army Asherah Ashe'rah Baal Ba'al Bowed Calves Cast Commandments Commands Forsook Grove Heaven Host Hosts Idols Images Molten Pole Served Shape Sky Starry Themselves Worshiped Worshipped