Ahaz Aside Base Bases Basin Basins Borders Brass Brazen Bronze Bulls Cut Cutteth Floor Frames Laver Lavers Movable Oxen Panels Pavement Pediment Putteth Removed Sides Stands Stone Stones Supported Turneth Water-vessel Wheeled
16:17-20 Ahaz put contempt upon the sabbath, and thus opened a wide inlet to all manner of sin. This he did for the king of Assyria. When those who have had a ready passage to the house of the Lord, turn it another way to please their neighbours, they are going down-hill apace to ruin.
Ahaz Bases Basin Basins Borders Brazen Bronze Bulls Cut Frames Laver Movable Oxen Panels Pavement Removed Sea Stands Stone Stones Supported
Ahaz Bases Basin Basins Borders Brazen Bronze Bulls Cut Frames Laver Movable Oxen Panels Pavement Removed Sea Stands Stone Stones Supported