Aram Attack Attacked Captured Captureth Face Fighteth Fought Gath Hazael Haz'ael Jerusalem Purpose Setteth Syria

12:17-21 Let us review the character of Jehoash, and consider what we may learn from it. When we see what a sad conclusion there was to so promising a beginning, it ought to make us seek into our spiritual declinings. If we know any thing of Christ as the foundation of our faith and hope, let us desire to know nothing but Christ. May the work of the blessed Spirit on our souls be manifest; may we see, feel, and be earnest, in seeking after Jesus in all his fulness, suitableness, and grace, that our souls may be brought over from dead works to serve the living and true God.

Aram Attack Attacked Captured Captureth Face Fighteth Fought Gath Hazael Haz'ael Jerusalem Purpose Syria Time Turned

Aram Attack Attacked Captured Captureth Face Fighteth Fought Gath Hazael Haz'ael Jerusalem Purpose Syria Time Turned