Altars Appointed Baal Ba'al Bits Brake Break Broke Broken Completely Death Front Guards Idols Images Inspectors Jehoiada Killed Lord's Mattan Officers Overseers Pieces Posted Priest Pulled Setteth Slain Slew Smashed Temple Thoroughly Tore Watchmen Wholly

11:18 And all the people of the land went into the house of Baal, and brake it down; his altars and his images brake they in pieces thoroughly, and slew Mattan the priest of Baal before the {r} altars. And the {s} priest appointed officers over the house of the LORD.

(r) Even in the place where he had blasphemed God, and thought to have been helped by his idol, there God poured his vengeance on him.

(s) That is, Jehoiada.

11:17-21 King and people would cleave most firmly to each other, when both had joined themselves to the Lord. It is well with a people, when all the changes that pass over them help to revive, strengthen, and advance the interests of religion among them. Covenants are of use, both to remind us of, and bind us to, the duties already binding on us. They immediately abolished idolatry; and, pursuant to the covenant with one another, they expressed mutual readiness to help each other. The people rejoiced, and Jerusalem was quiet. The way for people to be joyful and at peace, is to engage fully in the service of God; for the voice of joy and thanksgiving is in the dwellings of the righteous, but there is no peace for the wicked.

Altars Appointed Baal Brake Broke House Images Killed Mattan Officers Pieces Priest Slew Thoroughly Tore Wholly

Altars Appointed Baal Brake Broke House Images Killed Mattan Officers Pieces Priest Slew Thoroughly Tore Wholly