Abundantly Addition Besides Comfort Comforted Deeper Delighted Encouraged Encouragement Especially Exceedingly Feel Filled Glad Greater Happy Joy Joyed Mind Rather Reason Refreshed Rejoice Rejoiced Rest Spirit Titus Titus's Yea

7:13 Therefore we were comforted in your comfort. He still pours forth his joy over the happy change in the church, a joy due to his great affection for it.

7:12-16 The apostle was not disappointed concerning them, which he signified to Titus; and he could with joy declare the confidence he had in them for the time to come. Here see the duties of a pastor and of his flock; the latter must lighten the troubles of the pastoral office, by respect and obedience; the former make a due return by his care of them, and cherish the flock by testimonies of satisfaction, joy, and tenderness.

Addition Besides Comfort Comforted Deeper Delighted Encouraged Encouragement Especially Exceedingly Feel Filled Greater Happy Joy Joyed Mind Rather Reason Refreshed Rejoiced Rest Spirit Titus

Addition Besides Comfort Comforted Deeper Delighted Encouraged Encouragement Especially Exceedingly Feel Filled Greater Happy Joy Joyed Mind Rather Reason Refreshed Rejoiced Rest Spirit Titus
