Ark Drew Ends Extending Front Heads Holy Inmost Inner Lengthen Oracle Outside Poles Rods Room Sanctuary Staffs Staves

5:9 To this day - When this history was first written; not when it was reviewed by Ezra: for after the return from Babylon, neither staves nor ark were any more seen.

5:1-10 The ark was a type of Christ, and, as such, a token of the presence of God. That gracious promise, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, does, in effect, bring the ark into our religious assemblies, if we by faith and prayer plead that promise; and this we should be most earnest for. When Christ is formed in a soul, the law written in the heart, the ark of the covenant settled there, so that it becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost, there is true satisfaction in that soul.

Ark Drew Ends Extending Front Holy Inmost Inner Lengthen Oracle Outside Poles Rods Room Sanctuary Staffs Staves Today

Ark Drew Ends Extending Front Holy Inmost Inner Lengthen Oracle Outside Poles Rods Room Sanctuary Staffs Staves Today