Animals Blood Dashed Death Drained Flayed Handed Hands Killed Lamb Lambs Levites Passover Passover-offering Priests Received Skinned Skinning Slaughter Slaughtered Sprinkle Sprinkled Striping Victims

35:11 And they killed the passover, and the priests {f} sprinkled [the blood] from their hands, and the Levites flayed [them].

(f) Meaning, of the lamb, which was called the passover, for only the priests could sprinkle, and in necessity the Levites could kill the sacrifice.

35:1-19 The destruction Josiah made of idolatry, was more largely related in the book of Kings. His solemnizing the passover is related here. The Lord's supper resembles the passover more than any other of the Jewish festivals; and the due observance of that ordinance, is a proof of growing piety and devotion. God alone can truly make our hearts holy, and prepare them for his holy services; but there are duties belonging to us, in doing which we obtain this blessing from the Lord.

Animals Blood Dashed Death Drained Hand Handed Hands Killed Levites ng Passover Passover-Offering Priests Received Skinned Skinning Slaughter Slaughtered Sprinkle Sprinkled Victims

Animals Blood Dashed Death Drained Hand Handed Hands Killed Levites ng Passover Passover-Offering Priests Received Skinned Skinning Slaughter Slaughtered Sprinkle Sprinkled Victims