Ascent Body Buried Bury Chief Chiefest David David's Death Descendants Died Fathers Graves Hezekiah Hezeki'ah Higher Highest Hill Honor Honored Honour Inhabitants Jerusalem Judah Lieth Manasseh Manas'seh Reign Reigned Rest Rested Resting-places Section Sepulchers Sepulchres Slept Sons Stead Succeeded Tombs Upper Uppermost

32:33 Did him honour - It is a debt we owe to those who have been eminently useful, to do them honour at their death, when they are out of the reach of flattery, and we have seen the end of their conversation.

32:24-33 God left Hezekiah to himself, that, by this trial and his weakness in it, what was in his heart might be known; that he was not so perfect in grace as he thought he was. It is good for us to know ourselves, and our own weakness and sinfulness, that we may not be conceited, or self-confident, but may always live in dependence upon Divine grace. We know not the corruption of our own hearts, nor what we shall do if God leaves us to ourselves. His sin was, that his heart was lifted up. What need have great men, and good men, and useful men, to study their own infirmities and follies, and their obligations to free grace, that they may never think highly of themselves; but beg earnestly of God, that he will always keep them humble! Hezekiah made a bad return to God for his favours, by making even those favours the food and fuel of his pride. Let us shun the occasions of sin: let us avoid the company, the amusements, the books, yea, the very sights that may administer to sin. Let us commit ourselves continually to God's care and protection; and beg of him never to leave us nor forsake us. Blessed be God, death will soon end the believer's conflict; then pride and every sin will be abolished. He will no more be tempted to withhold the praise which belongs to the God of his salvation.

Ascent Body Buried Chief Chiefest David David's Death Descendants Died Fathers Hezekiah Higher Hill Honor Honored Honour Inhabitants Jerusalem Judah Manasseh Part Reigned Rested Resting-Places Section Sepulchers Sepulchres Slept Stead Succeeded Tombs Upper

Ascent Body Buried Chief Chiefest David David's Death Descendants Died Fathers Hezekiah Higher Hill Honor Honored Honour Inhabitants Jerusalem Judah Manasseh Part Reigned Rested Resting-Places Section Sepulchers Sepulchres Slept Stead Succeeded Tombs Upper