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32:12 Hath not the same Hezekiah taken away his high places and his {g} altars, and commanded Judah and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall worship before one altar, and burn incense upon it?

(g) Thus the wicked put no difference between true religion and false, God and idols: for Hezekiah only destroyed idolatry and replaced it with true religion. Thus the papists slander the servants of God: for when they destroy idolatry, they say that they abolish religion.

32:1-23 Those who trust God with their safety, must use proper means, else they tempt him. God will provide, but so must we also. Hezekiah gathered his people together, and spake comfortably to them. A believing confidence in God, will raise us above the prevailing fear of man. Let the good subjects and soldiers of Jesus Christ, rest upon his word, and boldly say, Since God is for us, who can be against us? By the favour of God, enemies are lost, and friends gained.

Altar Altars Burn Commanded God's Hezekiah Hezeki'ah High Incense Jerusalem Judah Offer Places Remove Sacrifices Worship

Altar Altars Burn Commanded God's Hezekiah Hezeki'ah High Incense Jerusalem Judah Offer Places Remove Sacrifices Worship