Appointed Burned Burnt Burnt-offerings Contribution Evening Feasts Festivals Fixed Goods King's Law Moons Morning Namely New-moons Offerings Ordered Portion Possessions Private Property Recorded Regular Sabbath Sabbaths Seasons Substance Wit Written

31:3 Of his substance - Which had hitherto been taken out of the treasures of the temple, but that he might ease the people in their present poverty, which his predecessor had brought upon them, and engage them to a more chearful attendance upon God's service, he took the burden upon himself.

31:1-21 Hezekiah destroys idolatry. - After the passover, the people of Israel applied with vigour to destroy the monuments of idolatry. Public ordinances should stir us up to cleanse our hearts, our houses, and shops, from the filth of sin, and the idolatry of covetousness, and to excite others to do the same. The after-improvement of solemn ordinances, is of the greatest importance to personal, family, and public religion. When they had tasted the sweetness of God's ordinance in the late passover, they were free in maintaining the temple service. Those who enjoy the benefit of a settled ministry, will not grudge the expense of it. In all that Hezekiah attempted in God's service, he was earnest and single in his aim and dependence, and was prospered accordingly. Whether we have few or many talents intrusted to us, may we thus seek to improve them, and encourage others to do the same. What is undertaken with a sincere regard to the glory of God, will succeed to our own honour and comfort at last.

Appointed Burnt Burnt-Offerings Contribution Evening Feasts Fixed Goods King's Law Moons Morning Namely New Offerings Portion Sabbaths Seasons Substance Wit Written

Appointed Burnt Burnt-Offerings Contribution Evening Feasts Fixed Goods King's Law Moons Morning Namely New Offerings Portion Sabbaths Seasons Substance Wit Written