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3:14 And he made the {f} vail [of] blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wrought cherubims thereon.

(f) Which separated the temple from the most holy place.

3:14 The veil - The inner veil before the most holy place. This denoted the darkness of that dispensation and the distance at which the worshippers were kept. But at the death of Christ this veil was rent; for thro' him we are brought nigh, and have boldness, or liberty, not only to look, but to enter into the holiest.

3:1-17 The building of the temple. - There is a more particular account of the building of the temple in #1Ki 6". It must be in the place David had prepared, not only which he had purchased, but which he had fixed on by Divine direction. Full instructions enable us to go about our work with certainty and to proceed therein with comfort. Blessed be God, the Scriptures are enough to render the man of God thoroughly furnished for every good work. Let us search the Scriptures daily, beseeching the Lord to enable us to understand, believe, and obey his word, that our work and our way may be made plain, and that all may be begun, continued, and ended in him. Beholding God, in Christ, his true Temple, more glorious than that of Solomon's, may we become a spiritual house, a habitation of God through the Spirit.

Best Blue Byssus Causeth Cherubim Cherubs Crimson Curtain Fabrics Fine Linen Maketh Ones Ornamented Purple Red Thereon Vail Veil Violet Winged Worked Wrought Yarn

Best Blue Byssus Causeth Cherubim Cherubs Crimson Curtain Fabrics Fine Linen Maketh Ones Ornamented Purple Red Thereon Vail Veil Violet Winged Worked Wrought Yarn