Able Brethren Brothers Burned Burnt Burnt-offerings Completed Completion Conscientious Consecrate Consecrated Consecrating Cutting Ended Finished Flay Hallow Hallowed Heart Helped Holy However Kinsmen Levites Offerings Priests Sanctified Sanctify Sanctifying Skin Strengthen Strip Task Themselves Till Unable Upright Wherefore

29:34 But the priests were too few, so that they could not flay all the burnt offerings: wherefore their brethren the Levites did help them, till the work was ended, and until the [other] priests had sanctified themselves: for the Levites [were] {q} more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests.

(q) Meaning, were more zealous to set forth the religion.

29:34 Too few - Such as were sanctified and fit for their work, as the following words shew: for otherwise the number of the priests was more than sufficient for this employment. Burnt - offerings - And much less all the other sacrifices, which were more numerous; the slaying whereof was the priests proper work. The Levites - Necessity excusing their deviation from the rule.

29:20-36 As soon as Hezekiah heard that the temple was ready, he lost no time. Atonement must be made for the sins of the last reign. It was not enough to lament and forsake those sins; they brought a sin-offering. Our repentance and reformation will not obtain pardon but in and through Christ, who was made sin, that is, a sin-offering for us. While the offerings were on the altar, the Levites sang. Sorrow for sin must not prevent us from praising God. The king and the congregation gave their consent to all that was done. It is not enough for us to be where God is worshipped, if we do not ourselves worship with the heart. And we should offer up our spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, and devote ourselves and all we have, as sacrifices, acceptable to the Father only through the Redeemer.

Burnt Burnt-Offerings Ended Few Flay Heart Help Helped Levites Offerings Priests rings Sanctified Sanctify Skin Themselves Unable Upright Wherefore Work

Burnt Burnt-Offerings Ended Few Flay Heart Help Helped Levites Offerings Priests rings Sanctified Sanctify Skin Themselves Unable Upright Wherefore Work