Amaziah Amazi'ah Anger Angry Armed Army Band Burn Burned Burning Discharged Dismissed Ephraim E'phraim Fierce Furious Greatly Heat Home Judah Kindled Mightily Rage Returned Separated Separateth Separating Troop Troops Turn Wherefore Wit Wrath

25:10 Anger kindled - Because they were both disgraced by this rejection, and disappointed of that spoil which they hoped to gain, whereas now they are sent away empty; for the hundred talents probably were given to their officers only to raise men for this service.

25:1-13 Amaziah was no enemy to religion, but cool and indifferent friend. Many do what is good, but not with a perfect heart. Rashness makes work for repentance. But Amaziah's obedience to the command of God was to his honour. A firm belief of God's all-sufficiency to bear us out in our duty, and to make up all the loss and damage was sustain in his service, will make his yoke very easy, and his burden very light. When we are called to part with any thing for God and our religion, it should satisfy us, that God is able to give us much more than this. Convinced sinners, who have not true faith, always object to self-denying obedience. They are like Amaziah; they say, But what shall we do for the hundred talents? What shall we do if by keeping the sabbath holy we lose so many good customers? What shall we do without this gain? What shall we do if we lose the friendship of the world? Many endeavour to quiet their consciences by the pretence that forbidden practices are necessary. The answer is, as here, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. He makes up, even in this world, for all that is given up for his sake.

Amaziah Amazi'ah Anger Army Burned Discharged Dismissed Ephraim E'phraim Fierce Great Greatly Home Judah Kindled Separated Troops Wherefore Wit

Amaziah Amazi'ah Anger Army Burned Discharged Dismissed Ephraim E'phraim Fierce Great Greatly Home Judah Kindled Separated Troops Wherefore Wit