Athaliah Athali'ah Baalim Baals Ba'als Bestow Bestowed Broken Dedicated Devastated Employed Evil Hallowed Holy Objects Prepared Sacred Sons Temple Wicked

24:7 For the sons of Athaliah, that {d} wicked woman, had broken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated things of the house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim.

(d) The scriptures call her wicked because she was a cruel murderer and a blasphemous idolater.

24:7 The sons - Ahaziah, and his brethren before they were carried away captive, chap.21:17, who did this by her instigation, as this phrase implies. Broke up - Both broke up the treasuries, and defaced the house itself.

24:1-14 Joash is more zealous about the repair of the temple than Jehoiada himself. It is easier to build temples, than to be temples to God. But the repairing of places for public worship is a good work, which all should promote. And many a good work would be done that now lies undone, if active men would put it forward.

Athaliah Athali'ah Baalim Baals Bestow Bestowed Broken Dedicated Employed God Hallowed Holy House Objects Prepared Sacred Temple Used Wicked

Athaliah Athali'ah Baalim Baals Bestow Bestowed Broken Dedicated Employed God Hallowed Holy House Objects Prepared Sacred Temple Used Wicked