Anger Arabians Arabs Beside Bordered Cushim Cushites Ethiopia Ethiopians Hostility Jehoram Jeho'ram Moreover Moved Philistines Spirit Stirred Waketh War

21:16 Moreover the LORD stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that [were] near the {l} Ethiopians:

(l) There were other Arabians in Africa southward toward Egypt.

21:16 Philistines - A people fully subdued and dispirited: but God now raises their spirits and courage to do his work. Ethiopians - A people in Arabia, so called, either for their likeness in complexion to the Ethiopians, or because the one of these people were a colony of the other.

21:12-20 A warning from God was sent to Jehoram. The Spirit of prophecy might direct Elijah to prepare this writing in the foresight of Jehoram's crimes. He is plainly told that his sin should certainly ruin him. But no marvel that sinners are not frightened from sin, and to repentance, by the threatenings of misery in another world, when the certainty of misery in this world, the sinking of their estates, and the ruin of their health, will not restrain them from vicious courses. See Jehoram here stripped of all his comforts. Thus God plainly showed that the controversy was with him, and his house. He had slain all his brethren to strengthen himself; now, all his sons are slain but one. David's house must not be wholly destroyed, like those of Israel's kings, because a blessing was in it; that of the Messiah. Good men may be afflicted with diseases; but to them they are fatherly chastisements, and by the support of Divine consolations the soul may dwell at ease, even when the body lies in pain. To be sick and poor, sick and solitary, but especially to be sick and in sin, sick and under the curse of God, sick and without grace to bear it, is a most deplorable case. Wickedness and profaneness make men despicable, even in the eyes of those who have but little religion.

Anger Arabians Arabs Aroused Bordered Cushim Cushites Ethiopia Ethiopians Hostility Jehoram Jeho'ram Moreover Moved Philistines Spirit Stirred War

Anger Arabians Arabs Aroused Bordered Cushim Cushites Ethiopia Ethiopians Hostility Jehoram Jeho'ram Moreover Moved Philistines Spirit Stirred War