Body Buried David Fathers Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Lieth Reigned Reigneth Rest Rested Slept Stead Succeeded Town

21:1-11 Jehoram hated his brethren, and slew them, for the same reason that Cain hated Abel, and slew him, because their piety condemned his impiety. In the mystery of Providence such men sometimes prosper for a time; but the Lord has righteous purposes in permitting such events, part of which may now be made out, and the rest will be seen hereafter.

Body Buried City David Earth Fathers Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Lieth Reigned Reigneth Rest Rested Slept Stead Succeeded

Body Buried City David Earth Fathers Jehoram Jeho'ram Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Lieth Reigned Reigneth Rest Rested Slept Stead Succeeded