Abandoned Acting Cast Common Excluded Execute Executing Exercising Holdings Jeroboam Jerobo'am Jerusalem Judah Lands Letting Levites Living-places Office Open Pasture Pasturelands Possession Possessions Priesthood Priests Priest's Property Rejected Serving Sons Suburbs

11:14 Cast them off - They would not suffer them to instruct the Israelites in the worship of God, nor to go up to Jerusalem to worship in their courses: and these priests would not join with them in the worship of the calves, as they were commanded to do; and therefore they, willingly forsook all their patrimonies and possessions for God's sake. No secular advantages whatsoever should detain us there, where we are in danger of making shipwreck of faith and a good conscience.

11:13-23 When the priests and Levites came to Jerusalem, the devout, pious Israelites followed them. Such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel, left the inheritance of their fathers, and went to Jerusalem, that they might have free access to the altar of God, and be out of the temptation to worship the calves. That is best for us, which is best for our souls; in all our choices, religious advantages must be sought before all outward conveniences. Where God's faithful priests are, his faithful people should be. And when it has been proved that we are willing to renounce our worldly interests, so far as we are called to do so for the sake of Christ and his gospel, we have good evidence that we are truly his disciples. And it is the interest of a nation to protect religion and religious people.

Abandoned Cast Common Excluded Execute Executing Exercising Jeroboam Jerobo'am Jerusalem Judah Levites Office Open Pasture Possession Priests Priest's Property Rejected Serving Suburbs

Abandoned Cast Common Excluded Execute Executing Exercising Jeroboam Jerobo'am Jerusalem Judah Levites Office Open Pasture Possession Priests Priest's Property Rejected Serving Suburbs