Assembled Elders Gather Gathered Got Ramah Ramath Responsible Samuel Themselves

8:4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto {c} Ramah,

(c) For there his house was, 1Sa 7:17.

8:4-9 Samuel was displeased; he could patiently bear what reflected on himself, and his own family; but it displeased him when they said, Give us a king to judge us, because that reflected upon God. It drove him to his knees. When any thing disturbs us, it is our interest, as well as our duty, to show our trouble before God. Samuel is to tell them that they shall have a king. Not that God was pleased with their request, but as sometimes he opposes us from loving-kindness, so at other times he gratifies us in wrath; he did so here. God knows how to bring glory to himself, and serves his own wise purposes, even by men's foolish counsels.

Assembled Elders Israel Ramah Ramath Responsible Samuel Themselves Together

Assembled Elders Israel Ramah Ramath Responsible Samuel Themselves Together