Allow Dealt Departed Didn't Egyptians Harden Hardened Harshly Heart Hearts Israelites Mightily Pharaoh Rolled Severely Sport Treated Wherefore Wonderfully Worked Wrought

6:6 Wherefore, and c. - They express themselves thus, either because some opposed the sending home the ark, though most had consented to it; or because they thought they would hardly send it away in the manner prescribed, by giving glory to God, and taking shame to themselves.

6:1-9 Seven months the Philistines were punished with the presence of the ark; so long it was a plague to them, because they would not send it home sooner. Sinners lengthen out their own miseries by refusing to part with their sins. The Israelites made no effort to recover the ark. Alas! where shall we find concern for religion prevail above all other matters? In times of public calamity we fear for ourselves, for our families, and for our country; but who cares for the ark of God? We are favoured with the gospel, but it is treated with neglect or contempt. We need not wonder if it should be taken from us; to many persons this, though the heavies of calamities, would occasion no grief. There are multitudes whom any profession would please as well as that of Christianity. But there are those who value the house, the word, and the ministry of God above their richest possessions, who dread the loss of these blessings more than death. How willing bad men are to shift off their convictions, and when they are in trouble, to believe it is a chance that happens; and that the rod has no voice which they should hear or heed!

Allow Dealt Departed Egyptians Hard Harden Hardened Harshly Heart Hearts Israelites Mightily Pharaoh Rolled Severely Sport Treated Way Wherefore Wonderfully Worked Wrought

Allow Dealt Departed Egyptians Hard Harden Hardened Harshly Heart Hearts Israelites Mightily Pharaoh Rolled Severely Sport Treated Way Wherefore Wonderfully Worked Wrought