Achish A'chish Already Anything Commanders David Deserted Falling Fault Fell Heads Hebrews Isn't Nothing Officer Philistines Princes Rather Replied Rulers Saul Servant Till Wrong

29:3 Then said the princes of the Philistines, What [do] these Hebrews [here]? And Achish said unto the princes of the Philistines, [Is] not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, which hath been with me these days, {b} or these years, and I have found no fault in him since he fell [unto me] unto this day?

(b) Meaning, a long time, that is, four months and certain days, 1Sa 27:7.

29:3 The princes - The Lords of the other eminent cities, who were confederate with him in this expedition. These days or years - That is, did I say days? I might have said years. He hath now been with me a full year and four months, chap.27:7, and he was with me some years ago, 1Sam 21:10, and since their time hath been known to me. And it is not improbable, but David, after his escape from thence, might hold some correspondence with Achish, as finding him to be a man of a more generous temper than the rest of the Philistines, and supposing that he might have need of him for a refuge, in case Saul continued to seek his life. Since he fell - Revolted, or left his own king to turn to me.

29:1-5 David waited with a secret hope that the Lord would help him out of his difficulty. But he seems to have been influenced too much by the fear of man, in consenting to attend Achish. It is hard to come near to the brink of sin, and not to fall in. God inclined the princes of the Philistines to oppose David's being employed in the battle. Thus their dislike befriended him, when no friend could do him such a kindness.

Achish Commanders David Hebrews Israel Philistines Princes Rather Saul Servant

Achish Commanders David Hebrews Israel Philistines Princes Rather Saul Servant