Achish A'chish Belonged Belongeth Belongs Giveth Judah Kings Pertaineth Pertains Property Reason Straight Till Wherefore Ziklag

27:6 Gave Ziklag - Not only to inhabit, but to possess it as his own. Which he did, to lay the greater obligations upon David, whom he knew so able to serve him. It was given to the tribe of Judah before, Josh 15:31, but the Philistines kept the possession of it 'till this time. And being given by them to David, it now belonged not to the tribe of Judah; but to the king of Judah, David and his heirs forever. To this day - This, and some such clauses seem to have been added, after the main substance of the several books was written.

27:1-7 Unbelief is a sin that easily besets even good men, when without are fightings, and within are fears; and it is a hard matter to get over them. Lord, increase our faith! We may blush to think that the word of a Philistine should go further than the word of an Israelite, and that the city of Gath should be a place of refuge for a good man, when the cities of Israel refuse him a safe abode. David gained a comfortable settlement, not only at a distance from Gath, but bordering upon Israel, where he might keep up a correspondence with his own countrymen.

Achish A'chish Belonged Belongeth Belongs Judah Kings Pertaineth Pertains Property Reason Straight Wherefore Ziklag

Achish A'chish Belonged Belongeth Belongs Judah Kings Pertaineth Pertains Property Reason Straight Wherefore Ziklag