Birds Blood Drained Face Fall Flea Ground Hunt Hunts Mountains Over-against Partridge Presence Pursueth Search Seek Single

26:20 Before the Lord - Remember, if thou dost it, God the judge of all men seeth it, and will avenge it; though I will not avenge myself.

26:13-20 David reasoned seriously and affectionately with Saul. Those who forbid our attendance on God's ordinances, do what they can to estrange us from God, and to make us heathens. We are to reckon that which exposes us to sin the greatest injury that can be done us. If the Lord stirred thee up against me, either in displeasure to me, taking this way to punish me for my sins against him, or in displeasure to thee, if it be the effect of that evil spirit from the Lord which troubles thee; let Him accept an offering from us both. Let us join in seeking peace, and to be reconciled with God by sacrifice.

Birds Blood Drained Earth Hunt Israel Life Mountains Partridge Presence Search Seek Single

Birds Blood Drained Earth Hunt Israel Life Mountains Partridge Presence Search Seek Single