Abide Beside Business Certainly Cover Evening Eventful Ezel Greatly Hast Heap Hid Hidden Hide Hill Matter Missed Noted Quickly Specially Stayed Stone Third Thyself Trouble Wait Waiting Wast Yonder

20:19 Was in hand - When this same business which now they were treating about, was in agitation formerly; namely, to discover Saul's mind and purpose towards him, chap.19:2,3. Ezel - By that stone which directs travellers in the way; namely, in some cave, or convenient place, which was near it.

20:11-23 Jonathan faithfully promises that he would let David know how he found his father affected towards him. It will be kindness to ourselves and to ours, to secure an interest in those whom God favours, and to make his friends ours. True friendship rests on a firm basis, and is able to silence ambition, self-love, and undue regard for others. But who can fully understand the love of Jesus, who gave himself as a sacrifice for rebellious, polluted sinners! how great then ought to be the force and effects of our love to him, to his cause, and his people!

Abide Business Cover Evening Ezel Hand Heap Hid Hide Hill Matter Missed Noted Quickly Specially Stone Third Three Thyself Tomorrow Trouble Wait Waiting Wast Work Yonder

Abide Business Cover Evening Ezel Hand Heap Hid Hide Hill Matter Missed Noted Quickly Specially Stone Third Three Thyself Tomorrow Trouble Wait Waiting Wast Work Yonder