David Death Die Ear Hearkened Hearkeneth Jonathan Listened Oath Saul Slain Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Voice Vowed

19:6 And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan: and Saul {c} sware, [As] the LORD liveth, he shall not be slain.

(c) Whatever he pretended outwardly, yet his heart was full of malice.

19:6 As the Lord, and c. - And without all doubt, he intended what he said, feeling a real change in himself for the present. God, says Mr. Henry, inclined the heart of Saul to hearken to the voice of Jonathan.

19:1-10 How forcible are right words! Saul was, for a time, convinced of the unreasonableness of his enmity to David; but he continued his malice against David. So incurable is the hatred of the seed of the serpent against that of the woman; so deceitful and desperately wicked is the heart of man without the grace of God, Jer 17:9.

David Death Die Ear Hearkened Hearkeneth Jonathan Oath Saul Slain Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Voice Vowed

David Death Die Ear Hearkened Hearkeneth Jonathan Oath Saul Slain Surely Sware Sweareth Swore Voice Vowed