Blood Cause Danger David Death Deliverance Desiring Glad Hast Innocent Kill Killed Killing Nought Overcame Philistine Putteth Putting Reason Rejoice Rejoiced Salvation Sawest Sin Sinning Slay Slaying Slew Smiteth Smote Struck Victory Wherefore Wilt Won Worked Worketh Wrong Wrought Yea

19:1-10 How forcible are right words! Saul was, for a time, convinced of the unreasonableness of his enmity to David; but he continued his malice against David. So incurable is the hatred of the seed of the serpent against that of the woman; so deceitful and desperately wicked is the heart of man without the grace of God, Jer 17:9.

Blood Cause David Hand Innocent Israel Kill Life Philistine Rejoice Salvation Sawest Sin Slay Slew Smote Struck Victory Wherefore Wilt Worked Wrought

Blood Cause David Hand Innocent Israel Kill Life Philistine Rejoice Salvation Sawest Sin Slay Slew Smote Struck Victory Wherefore Wilt Worked Wrought