Aside Avoided Balancing Blow Cast Casteth David Eluded Escaped Evaded Got Hurled I'll Javelin Pin Pinning Presence Round Saul Saying Smite Spear Stepped Threw Turneth Twice Wall

18:11 And Saul cast the javelin - Being now quite under the power of that evil spirit. Twice - Once now, and another time upon a like occasion, chap.19:10.

18:6-11 David's troubles not only immediately follow his triumphs, but arise from them; such is the vanity of that which seems greatest in this world. It is a sign that the Spirit of God is departed from men, if, like Saul, they are peevish, envious, suspicious, and ill-natured. Compare David, with his harp in his hand, aiming to serve Saul, and Saul, with his javelin in his hand, aiming to slay David; and observe the sweetness and usefulness of God's persecuted people, and the barbarity of their persecutors. But David's safety must be ascribed to God's providence.

Avoided Balancing Blow Cast Casteth David Escaped Hand Hurled I'll Javelin Pin Pinning Presence Round Saul Smite Spear Stepped Strike Thought Turned Turneth Twice Wall

Avoided Balancing Blow Cast Casteth David Escaped Hand Hurled I'll Javelin Pin Pinning Presence Round Saul Smite Spear Stepped Strike Thought Turned Turneth Twice Wall