Ahead Beam Bearer Bearing Body-cover Buckler Cloth-worker's Flame Hundred Iron Point Rod Shaft Shekels Shield Shield-bearer Shield-carrier Six Spear Spear's Staff Stem Walked Weavers Weaver's Weighed Weight Wood

17:7 Beam - On which the weavers fasten their web. It was like this for thickness. And though the whole weight of Goliath's armour may seem prodigious; yet it is not so much by far as one Athanatus did manage: of whom Pliny relates, That he saw him come into the theatre with arms weighing twelve thousand ounces. A shield - Probably for state: for he that was clad in brass, little needed a shield.

17:1-11 Men so entirely depend upon God in all things, that when he withdraws his help, the most valiant and resolute cannot find their hearts or hands, as daily experience shows.

Beam Bearer Bearing Cloth-Worker's Head Hundred Iron Point Rod Shaft Shekels Shield Shield-Bearer Six Spear Staff Stem Walked Weaver's Weighed Wood

Beam Bearer Bearing Cloth-Worker's Head Hundred Iron Point Rod Shaft Shekels Shield Shield-Bearer Six Spear Staff Stem Walked Weaver's Weighed Wood