Bag Band Brow David Deep Face Facedown Falleth Falling Fell Forehead Forth Ground Hurled Leather Philistine Putteth Sank Sinketh Slang Sling Slingeth Slung Smiteth Smote Stone Straight Struck Sunk Taketh Taking Thence Vessel

17:49 Forehead - Probably the proud giant had lift up that part of his helmet which covered his fore - head; in contempt of David and his weapons, and by the singular direction of providence.

17:48-58 See how frail and uncertain life is, even when a man thinks himself best fortified; how quickly, how easily, and by how small a matter, the passage may be opened for life to go out, and death to enter! Let not the strong man glory in his strength, nor the armed man in his armour. God resists the proud, and pours contempt on those who defy him and his people. No one ever hardened his heart against God and prospered. The history is recorded, that all may exert themselves for the honour of God, and the support of his cause, with bold and unshaken reliance on him. There is one conflict in which all the followers of the Lamb are, and must be engaged; one enemy, more formidable than Goliath, still challenges the armies of Israel. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Go forth to battle with the faith of David, and the powers of darkness shall not stand against you. But how often is the Christian foiled through an evil heart of unbelief!

Bag Band Brow David Deep Earth Hand Hurled Leather Philistine Putteth Reaching Sank Sinketh Sling Slung Smiteth Smote Stone Straight Struck Sunk Thence Vessel

Bag Band Brow David Deep Earth Hand Hurled Leather Philistine Putteth Reaching Sank Sinketh Sling Slung Smiteth Smote Stone Straight Struck Sunk Thence Vessel