Attacking Battle Closely Cover Ephraim E'phraim Fled Fleeing Flight Followed Hearing Hid Hidden Hiding Hill Hill-country Hot Joined Likewise Mount Philistines Pursue Pursued Pursuit Run Themselves

14:16-23 The Philistines were, by the power of God, set against one another. The more evident it was that God did all, the more reason Saul had to inquire whether God would give him leave to do any thing. But he was in such haste to fight a fallen enemy, that he would not stay to end his devotions, nor hear what answer God would give him. He that believeth, will not make such haste, nor reckon any business so urgent, as not to allow time to take God with him.

Attacking Battle Closely Country Cover Ephraim E'phraim Hard Heard Hearing Hid Hidden Hill Hill-Country Hot Israel Israelites Joined Likewise Mount Philistines Pursued Run Themselves

Attacking Battle Closely Country Cover Ephraim E'phraim Hard Heard Hearing Hid Hidden Hill Hill-Country Hot Israel Israelites Joined Likewise Mount Philistines Pursued Run Themselves