Appeased Ascend Burned Burnt Burnt-offering Cause Compelled Entreated Face Favor Favour Felt Force Forced Forcing Gilgal Haven't Lord's Myself Offer Offered Offering Philistines Prayer Sought Supplication

13:12 Supplication - Thence it appears, that sacrifices were accompanied with solemn prayers. Forced myself - I did it against my own mind and inclination.

13:8-14 Saul broke the order expressly given by Samuel, see ch.

Appeased Ascend Burnt Burnt-Offering Cause Compelled Entreated Lord's Now Offered Offering Philistines Prayer Sought Supplication Thought

Appeased Ascend Burnt Burnt-Offering Cause Compelled Entreated Lord's Now Offered Offering Philistines Prayer Sought Supplication Thought