Aged Behold Childhood Early Gray Grayheaded Gray-headed Grey-headed Habitually Leader Sons Till Walked Walketh Walking Walks Youth

12:2 And now, behold, the king walketh {b} before you: and I am old and grayheaded; and, behold, my sons [are] with you: and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day.

(b) To govern you in peace and war.

12:2 Walketh - Ruleth over you. To him I have fully resigned my power, and own myself one of his subjects. Old - And therefore unable to bear the burden of government. My sons - Or, among you, in the same states private persons, as you are; if they have injured any of you, the law is now open against them; any of you may accuse them, your king can punish them, I do not intercede for them. Walked before you - That is, been your guide and governor; partly, as a prophet; and partly, as a judge.

12:1-5 Samuel not only cleared his own character, but set an example before Saul, while he showed the people their ingratitude to God and to himself. There is a just debt which all men to their own good name, especially men in public stations, which is, to guard it against unjust blame and suspicions, that they may finish their course with honour, as well as with joy. And that we have in our places lived honestly, will be our comfort, under any slights and contempt that may be put upon us.

Childhood Early Eyes Habitually Leader Walked Walketh Walking Walks Youth

Childhood Early Eyes Habitually Leader Walked Walketh Walking Walks Youth