Band Behold Company Face Gibeah Gib'e-ah Group Height Hill Joined Meet Met Midst Mightily Power Procession Prophesied Prophesieth Prophesying Prophet Prophets Prosper Spirit Thither

10:10 Prophesied - The accomplishment of the two former signs is supposed, and this only is expressed, because this was more eminent than the former; the other were only transient acts, which passed in private between two or three persons meeting together; but this was a more permanent and notorious sign, done in a more solemn manner, and before many witnesses.

10:9-16 The signs Samuel had given Saul, came to pass punctually; he found that God had given him another heart, another disposition of mind. Yet let not an outward show of devotion, and a sudden change for the present, be too much relied on; Saul among the prophets was Saul still. His being anointed was kept private. He leaves it to God to carry on his own work by Samuel, and sits still, to see how the matter will fall.

Arrived Band Company Height Hill Joined Meet Met Midst Mightily Power Procession Prophesied Prophesieth Prophesying Prophets Prosper Spirit Thither

Arrived Band Company Height Hill Joined Meet Met Midst Mightily Power Procession Prophesied Prophesieth Prophesying Prophets Prosper Spirit Thither